The future belongs to the best. You.
It’s no coincidence that “YUU” is part of our name. We focus on people – both on the client side and on ours. That’s why New Work is much more for us than a trendy term. We have been living New Work longer than the term actually exists. And we want exactly those people at doubleYUU: the ones who are ahead of their time. And the ones who want to shape the future with us.
The future belongs to the best. You.
It’s no coincidence that “YUU” is part of our name. We focus on people – both on the client side and on ours. That’s why New Work is much more for us than a trendy term. We have been living New Work longer than the term actually exists. And we want exactly those people at doubleYUU: the ones who are ahead of their time. And the ones who want to shape the future with us.
We are searching for the best. People.
We believe in the best team. For this purpose, it doesn’t matter whether you are a permanent employee or a freelancer. Because for both there are good reasons to be part of doubleYUU.
Permanent employment
You want to work with us in a permanent position? Excellent! Then you work exclusively for doubleYUU projects and can develop your main emphasis and expertise. For any questions that might arise, an experienced team is at your side supporting you.
Freelance consultants, experts and trainers
Do you want to work with us on a flexible basis? Great! Then we count on you and your expertise for suitable projects. Benefit from our network and bring in your experience.
We are searching for the best. People.
We believe in the best team. For this purpose, it doesn’t matter whether you are a permanent employee or a freelancer. Because for both there are good reasons to be part of doubleYUU.
Permanent employment
You want to work with us in a permanent position? Excellent! Then you work exclusively for doubleYUU projects and can develop your main emphasis and expertise. For any questions that might arise, an experienced team is at your side supporting you.
Freelance consultants, experts and trainers
Do you want to work with us on a flexible basis? Great! Then we count on you and your expertise for suitable projects. Benefit from our network and bring in your experience.
Our vacancies are opportunities. Yours.
Our vacancies are opportunities. Yours.
We are always looking for the remarkable. People.
We are looking for strategists, initiators, implementers and partners. We are looking for people who inspire, motivate and sweep other people away. On a journey through a successful transformation into an even more successful future. For us and our clients. In short: We are looking for people who are like us. And still surprise and enrich us with their individuality.
We are always looking for the remarkable. People.
We are looking for strategists, initiators, implementers and partners. We are looking for people who inspire, motivate and sweep other people away. On a journey through a successful transformation into an even more successful future. For us and our clients. In short: We are looking for people who are like us. And still surprise and enrich us with their individuality.

You blossom out when you achieve goals and realize projects? Just like us. At the same time, we keep an eye on the big picture. This is the only way we can achieve such a high level of satisfaction for our partners.

Are you experienced in combining things that do not match at first glance? In transformation projects, this ability is priceless. That’s why we’re looking for you.

We are looking for people who not only stand out analytically, but also socially and through business empathy.This is how we ensure that as a team we can solve complex client problems.

A well-equipped workplace is important to you? We feel the same way. But how it looks exactly and how you do your work is less important to us. We measure you by your results.
Apply now. Easily.
doubleYUU meets e-fellows: Find out vividly how we work and how job interviews can take place with us.
Who is my contact person? With or without salary expectations? How should I prepare? We will answer any questions you might have before applying to us. And if one question still remains open, we are always willing to listen to you.