The phenomenon of Generation Y

An exciting weekend I spent with the extended board of a DAX company. I was invited as a keynote speaker and leader of workshop on Generation Y in the workplace and its meanings for managers.

Five years after the initiation of dnadigital it could be sensed that- the generation is indeed “grown up” – but the demands for more freedom, speed, feedback and flexibility remained and become more concrete.

It was good starting with doing away myths such as it is a generation of self-satisfied, thirsty for attention-know-it-alls, job hoppers and do-gooders.

But it is about development, work-life integration, sophisticated work colleagues, and less to a high remuneration. And this is all good news for businesses and their sustainability!

PS: Subsequent to this we have developed different methods and technologies that can be used to create a more integrated company from an economic perspective. The result here, but unfortunately I cannot share publicly.



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About the Author: Willms Buhse

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Dr. Willms Buhse, CEO und Gründer von doubleYUU, bringt mit Digital Leadership die Innovationen des Silicon Valley in die Büros der deutschen Führungsetagen. Die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und viele Top-Manager zählen zu seinen Kunden. Er hält Vorträge in Harvard, am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) und an deutschen Elite-Universitäten in Berlin, München oder Hamburg. Dr. Willms Buhse gilt über deutsche Grenzen hinaus als Vordenker der digitalen Elite. Wie kein Zweiter versteht er es, Ideen und Impulse aus der digitalen Welt auf die Realität deutscher Unternehmen zu übertragen.